Python SDK for NSONE DNS Platform



This package provides an SDK for accessing the NSONE DNS platform and includes both a simple NSONE REST API wrapper as well as a higher level interface for managing zones, records, data feeds, and more. It supports synchronous and asynchronous transports.

Both python 2.7 and 3.3 are supported.

Install with:

$ pip install nsone

Quick Start

First, you’ll need an API Key. To create one, login to the portal and click on the Account button in the top right. Select Settings & Users, then add a new API Key at the bottom.

Simple example:

from nsone import NSONE

nsone = NSONE(apiKey='qACMD09OJXBxT7XOuRs8')
zone = nsone.createZone('', nx_ttl=3600)
record = zone.add_A('honey', ['', ''])

Note that all zone and record changes propagate in real time throughout the NSONE platform.

There are more examples in the examples directory.


We welcome contributions! Please fork on GitHub and submit a Pull Request.

Indices and tables